Friday, May 29, 2009

Can you harvest artificial flavor?

Happened to pass a store in Greenwich Village the other day, called Pure Dark. Their advertising hook is "Harvested from Nature". [Duh, where else would you get chocolate?] It sells custom made blends of dark chocolate, nuts, fruits, etc. (In other words, what we used to call trail mix.) You can have the mix made to your specifications; or, you can pick up one of the ready made combos. I tried a few samples. They were fine - but one has to wonder whether 10 ounces of a chocolate and nut mix can really be worth $20. And - this is key to me - if you want to use the 'nature' route to up the price, your chocolate ought not to list 'artificial flavor' among its components. So I think this company has some fine tuning to be done.


  1. With everyone worried about their weight and cholesterol, I have to wonder at the proliferation of chocolate makers and stores. Not that this concerns us! We know the truth about chocolate--it's the real miracle food.

  2. My question is, where does the 'artificial flavor' come from?
